Master the Human Element of Trader

We approach trading education all backward

What do you need to succeed at trading?

A great setup? πŸ’‘ 

Lightning-fast execution? ⚑

Steely risk management skills? πŸ›‘οΈ

All those nice-sounding ideas are utterly irrelevant to your success.


Because you will never follow the setup, speed is pretty much the same for everyone with access to a fast internet connection 🌐, and no one has steely risk management skills.

We approach trading education all backward. πŸ”„

We focus on setups, backtests, leverage, execution, correlation risk, and a million other factors that we think may give us an edge. But there is a key element that we always miss.

The human element. 🧠❀️

If we want to trade the market for fun as well as profit, if we want to engage with the crazy, irrational, fascinating, thrilling, frustrating, infuriating, electrifying mess that is the global financial market, we need to do it on our own terms. πŸŒπŸ’Ό

Whaaaaaaat? 🀯

How can you make the market adapt to you? The market adapts to no one!

That’s true. But the key to succeeding in its wild ocean of trades is to find a space where you can thrive under your own rules. πŸŒŠβš“

You need to make the market your own. You will never change. No motivational talks, no browbeating, no self-loathing, or hatred will ever change your trading habits. If you want to have fun in the markets and actually try to make money, you need to stop listening to anyone telling you what to do and discover what it is that you ACTUALLY do. From there, you can start to design an approach that makes emotional sense to YOU. πŸŽ―πŸ’‘

If you like consistency, then you need to trade with a negative risk-reward ratio and go for very small targets. πŸŽ―πŸ“‰ If you like hitting big trades, you need to resign yourself to losing small amounts five, six, seven times in a row. πŸŽ―πŸ“ˆ

If we want to trade β€œproperly,” we should use robots. πŸ€–

If we just want to trade, we need to know who we really are and make peace with that. πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ