Your Answer is More Important Than Any Strategy

“Man plans and God laughs” - and nowhere do the gods laugh the hardest than in markets. In trading, almost nothing that you plan will happen the way you think it will.


Your Answer is More Important Than Any Strategy

You’ve got your setup.

You’ve got your super-duper trading tool.

You’ve got your trading plan.

So you are all set for stardom and profit - right? WRONG

An old Yiddish proverb states - “Man plans and God laughs” - and nowhere do the gods laugh the hardest than in markets.

In trading, almost nothing that you plan will happen the way you think it will. Markets have an uncanny ability to mess with you no matter how well prepared you are.

They will always create a scenario that you didn’t expect.

Faulty execution? ☑️ Check.

Internet failure? ☑️ Check.

A gap in prices? ☑️ Check.

But the biggest risk in every trading plan is YOU.

One of the greatest LIES we tell ourselves is that we will be able to implement our trading plan exactly as prescribed.

Three to one risk-reward trades? No problem.

One trade per week? No problem.

Trade to target on every trade? No problem.

Of course, there is a problem.

There is always a gap between who we THINK we are and who we actually ARE. That’s why the only trading plan that works will be the one that you will follow.

👎 HATE to wait even a minute for the restaurant table? Then the weekly chart is NOT for you.

👍 HAPPY to be sitting on a pier for hours waiting for the fish to bite? Then don’t scalp the 1 minute chart 50 times a day.

What sounds better? Lots of tiny winners and few large losses OR lots of losses and one big win?

The answer to that question is more important to your success than any strategy you chose.

There are a million ways to succeed in the market but you have to be totally honest with yourself in order to become consistently profitable.


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Have an awesome day 😉

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